OpenBCM V1.07b6_bn2 (Linux)

Packet Radio Mailbox


[Box Weng]

 Login: GAST

DHH841 > ALBUM    19.08.24 15:01l 3 Lines 280044 Bytes #999 (999) @ DBO841
BID : JY8DBO841_0L
Read: GAST
Subj: ILLW 17.08-18.08.2024
Path: DBO841
Sent: 240819/1401z @:DBO841.#BAY.DEU.BCMNET [Box Weng] obcm1.07b6_bn2 LT:999
From: DHH841 @ DBO841.#BAY.DEU.BCMNET (Hans)
To:   ALBUM @ DBO841
X-Info: Sent with login password

International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend 2024
Auf der Jagd nach Leuchttürme und Feuerschiffe :-)

ILLW.jpg (274 kBytes)

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 18.01.2025 13:58:47lZurueck Nach oben